
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for god loves a cheerful giver.”

— 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV)

The work of St Matthew’s and the Minster, its staff and buildings is supported by the generous contributions of its members. As part of our church family, making a regular financial contribution is not only biblical but a very practical way of being involved in the life and work of the church and demonstrating commitment and support. Of course, visitors to us must feel under no obligation to give.

Thanks for your generosity.

parish giving scheme

We are members of the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) which provides the simplest and most secure way for everyone to give to our church, whether it is for regular giving or one-off gifts. By making a gift through PGS, they manage all the admin on our behalf, which makes a big difference to the church staff and volunteers.

You can choose the frequency and amount of your gift and opt in to Gift Aid, if you are eligible. Through Gift Aid, we receive an extra 25p for every pound you give which makes a significant impact across the year. The donation, including any Gift Aid, is passed back to our parish within ten days of collection.

The quickest and easiest way to set up and manage your gift is online, through the PGS website link to our parish. Or visit, find your church using the easy search tool, and follow a few simple steps to set up your gift securely.

Please note, you can not use this method to make specific one-off gifts, whereby you have been asked to reference your gift in a particular way. Please read on how you can make donations for a specific cause.

Cash donations can be placed in the collection plates at either St Matthew’s or The Minster. This method is suitable for specific donations/one-off gifts, whereby you need to make a reference. Gift Aid envelopes are available. For regular envelope giving, please contact the Church Office for more details.

Please ensure any cheques are made payable to: PCC of St Mary with St Matthew Cheltenham

Cash or cheque

bank transfer

You can also make donations directly through bank transfer. This method is suitable for specific donations/one-off gifts, whereby you need to make a reference. Please complete a Gift Aid form if you are eligible and return it to the Giving Secretary or Church Office.

 PCC bank account at HSBC Bank.

Account Name: PCC of St Mary with St Matthew Cheltenham
Account Number: 50649236               
Sort Code: 40-17-10


You can make one-off and recurring online donations by card and direct debit through ChurchSuite's online giving platform called "Donate"

Click here or scan the QR code to be taken to the General Giving Fund for St Matthew’s & The Minster page. You may choose to Gift Aid your donation using this method.

Please note, you can not use this method to make specific one-off gifts, whereby you have been asked to reference your gift in a particular way. Please use the main ‘Giving’ tab above to select the Fund you would to donate to.

gift aid

If you are a UK tax payer and are able to Gift Aid your contributions, we’d be grateful if you would return a completed Gift Aid Form to the Church Office. If you have moved home, please resubmit a form as well.

Financial reporting

A full financial report, audited accounts and annual budget are published each year and made available at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). The elected PCC scrutinises and authorises expenditure throughout the year to ensure good stewardship of all financial gifts. 

St Matthew’s and The Minster is a Registered Charity: 1131805.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity